Cover design by Crisis.




Tirzah Goldenberg’s Like an Olive opens a space for me interior to the word, moves by some expansive mobility anterior to the letter, at once unfurling and embroidering, at once a hermitage below image and a vessel whose play of absence carries, like an archeological fragment, the forms and questions of our inheritance. This k’zayis, like an olive, is a shiur I want to show up for again and again, a book which presses with sensitive longing the pressing particulars of a present. How to live, where to live, how to be with others, how in a fractured overlapping and doubling of diasporas might we construct our communities and futures? Offered is a rhyme between ancient and contemporary, between personal and mystical, possible because of what’s allowed in the word as Goldenberg writes: a past and present embellishing the measure of themselves in a pun far deeper and larger than wit.

Lewis Freedman

ISBN 978-0-9889885-9-0
